We are always on the lookout for promising alternative investment opportunities, particularly those that can offer the promise of high yields. Recently, a few colleagues and I began seeing ads for Phoenix Capital Group, an oil and gas company raising capital on Facebook and LinkedIn. The marketing is polished and prominently features “9-13% annual yield” as the hook to get investors excited about their investor daily webinars. We took the bait and wrote the review below so you can evaluate whether you want to join one of Phoenix Capital Group’s webinars for investors.

As our readers now, we are often skeptical of heavily promoted webinars. They can be little more than glorified sales pitches without substance or clear educational value. Surprisingly, this was not the case with Phoenix Capital Group, which provided a professional and entertaining 1-hour presentation to introduce their business and the investment opportunities. Keep reading for details.

The Investor Experience

From the start, the Phoenix Capital Group webinar was professionally executed. I received text messages that told me what to expect from the presentation and conveniently reminded me with a link 10 minutes before the event. The experience on my mobile phone was great. The session began promptly and had clear sound with engaging graphics that were legible even on my phone (Pixel 9 Pro). The platform was really user-friendly!

The host, Matt Willer, Managing Director of Capital Markets at Phoenix Capital Group, is an articulate guy. You can definitely tell that the company does these events regularly. One of the first things that stood out to me was Matt’s extensive background in investment banking and capital markets. His years of experience clearly showed through his confidence in explaining how bonds work and the disciplined manner in which Phoenix Capital Group operates their oil and gas business.

The Details: What I Learned

Phoenix Capital Group operates in the domestic energy sector, specifically focusing on oil and gas investments. The company’s primary business model revolves around acquiring real property that is either already producing oil or can be further developed to one day produce oil. I knew very little about the oil and gas industry, but was able to gain a clear understanding within the first 10 minutes of the presentation. The host shared data from actual projects, such as the costs to drill wells, the production volumes, and the subsequent revenues generated.

After introducing the business and the overall industry, the host went on to provide details on how the company works with investors. They sell a variety of corporate bonds with different term-lengths that can produce between 9 and 13% in annual yield. As Willer put it, Phoenix Capital Group is not in the business of taking wild risks or being “wildcatters.” Instead, they seem to be using proprietary technology and sound financials to build a scalable business.

Was the Time Well Spent?

Absolutely. The webinar was less than 1 hour long and not only provided valuable insights into Phoenix Capital Group’s operations and investment strategies but also pre-emptively answered the questions I had about risk and term lengths. The last 10 minutes offered a Q&A session where the moderator and the host thoughtfully answered questions from the live audience. One note, the company did not share the “chats” with the audience, which is a common feature we have seen in other webinars, but it did not lower the overall value.

Here is a summary of what was covered:

  • How the oil and gas industry works
  • Real examples of projects the company has done
  • How Phoenix Capital Group works to mitigate risk
  • A step-by-step process for investing in their 9-13% annual yield corporate bonds
  • Stats on their investor base and the amount they’ve paid out


If you’re an investor looking to add passive income to your portfolio but don’t know much about Phoenix Capital Group or the oil and gas industry, this is time well spent. The company’s conservative, cash-flow-focused investment strategy, combined with its risk management practices, makes it a compelling option. Make sure to conduct your own due diligence and consider your personal risk tolerance. The transparency and professionalism demonstrated in the webinar left me with a positive impression of Phoenix Capital Group, but it’s your responsibility to make your own informed decisions!